Gratitude: The Healer
January 16, 2020Today I say thank you. Thank you to all the missed opportunities, ancient and recent. Thank you to all the wrong places at the wrong times. Thank you for every time I didn't get the thing I thought I so badly wanted. Thank you to everyone that ever told me I wasn’t good enough. Thank you to the landlord who passed on me because my self-employment status was too much of a risk. Thank you to the job that offered me well below my worth and gave me the opportunity to say “No, I deserve more”. Thank you to the lovers that didn’t stay because commitment wasn’t as easy as falling, and I was “hard to love”. Thank you to my shadow who believed them. Thank you to every soul crushing moment that brought me to my knees. Thank you to surrender that met me down there, And thank you to love that showed me what to do next.
There can be no light without darkness, and we cannot know our own beauty if we have not seen our own ugly.
I’ve found the practice of offering gratitude to life’s most challenging moments to be a freeing and transformative experience. There’s no bottom to what we can be grateful for, there is always more to find. If you feel called, give it a try yourself.
To make this a somatic experience, try feeling into your body as you create your list. Find in your body where you feel it most and breathe into that space. Don’t squirm, hold your attention steady and breathe deep, envisioning a white loving light until you feel the energy begin to move and dissipate.
Learn to make peace with your pain, and you’re halfway there on the road to FREEDOM.
I’d love to hear how this goes for you, comment below.
Until next time my loves, Meagan